The purpose and goal of the Liturgical Music program at St. Patrick Catholic Church is to Imbue the Liturgy with music that elevates it, while encouraging and facilitating active congregational participation in worship through song. We strive to offer the talents God has given us back to Him in this ministry.
Music for most Masses at St. Patrick is led by a single cantor and accompanist. The singer helps guide congregational singing and plays an essential role in setting the tone of the Liturgy. Cantors should be competent in their ability to read music and hold great confidence when singing.
The cantor typically holds a double role as they are also the Psalmist. The Psalmist proclaims and leads the Responsorial Psalm, an important part of the Liturgy.
St. Patrick Choir
St. Patrick Choir provides strong musical leadership for Liturgies at St. Patrick. It is open to anyone high-school age and above who loves to make music and wishes to lend their voice to the choir. The choir is typically active between September and May.
Typically, flutes are used at our weekend Masses, and we invite brass and other instruments for high feast days. We always welcome high school age through adult instrumentalists to join in this capacity.
Most Masses are accompanied by the Parish Music Director. We do, however, welcome other organists to be put on our substitute lists for occassions when the Music Director is unable to attend a given Mass.
Accompanists/organists should hold strong musicianship skills, have great capabilities in organ registration and playing, and be able to help the cantor prepare for their role in the Liturgy as well. While the organ is the favored instrument and holds pride of place in our liturgical celebrations, piano is used every-so-often depending on the style of specific songs or hymnody.
Are you interested in joining the liturgical music program at St. Patrick? We are always looking for anyone people to help with liturgical music, whether it be as cantor, in the choir, as an instrumentalist or accompanist, or establishing a small-group! Please reach out to our music director for more information about joining.